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How do I set up escalade?#

A procedure is available to guide you through setting up the plugin.

Why do I only see groups from escalade and not technicians?#

The Escalade plugin aims to simplify the ticket escalation process. It adds a graphical history for affected groups. Only groups are affected by the escalation plugin.

Why do some of the fields I've set up not work?#

This may be due to other installed plugins such as "behaviours". Deactivate this plugin to check that one doesn't interfere with the behaviour of the other.

Can I delete old groups when adding a new one?#

Yes, this is possible via the plugin settings setup > plugins > escalade >

Can I keep a history of my groups when climbing?#

Yes, if you have chosen to delete the old groups when adding a new one, it is possible to keep a visual history of the different groups that have been assigned to the ticket. This is done from the plugin setup > plugins > escalade >

Can the ticket be reassigned to the initial group?#

Yes, if you have chosen to delete the old groups from the addition of a new one, it is possible to reassign a ticket that has been resolved so that it is automatically forwarded to the intial group. (In the case of an N1 and N2 technical service relationship, for example. The N2 handles the ticket and the N1 takes care of getting back to the customer once the ticket has been resolved and retransmitted in its workflow).

Can I delete technicians during an escalation?#

Yes, this can be set from the plugin setup > plugins > escalade >

Can the technician's group be assigned when it is assigned unitarily?#

Yes, this can be set from the plugin setup > plugins > escalade > There are several possibilities:

  • when creating and/or modifying a ticket
  • Take the technician's 1st group or last group

Can I prevent people from deleting a ticket?#

Yes, this can be set from the plugin setup > plugins > escalade >

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Can we prohibit escalation to specific groups?#

Yes, thanks to the group filter. You can also allow escalation from one group to another. The settings must be correct to ensure that the plugin works properly. Please refer to the documentation to ensure that the groups are configured correctly.