Create a task#
Enter the ticket that requires a task to be added. Click on
create a task
(or on create
directly depending on the configuration of your interface):
Add a follow#
As with tracking, you have a text field to indicate the nature of the Task. You can define whether the Task will be public or private. What differentiates the Task from the Tracker is its right-hand menu.
Type of task#
This will allow you to define the status of the Task when it is added: Information / To Do / Done.
Execution time#
GLPI lets you define its execution time (this data can be modified later):
USers and groups#
You can define which user or group will be assigned to this Task:
As mentioned above, the best thing about a Task is its scheduling. To do this, click on the Schedule this Task button, which will display the scheduling options.
You will be able to set a date, start time and duration for the Task. Click on the icon on the right to unfold the calendar:
Once you have entered your details, click on the Add
button to save the Task.
Unlike Follow-ups, when adding a Task, you can only select a status for Tickets, the choice of status is not available for Problems and Changes. The ticket will automatically change its status to processing (planned)