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GlpiInventory Data collection#


The GLPI Inventory plugin is available in the menu Administration > GLPI Inventory
If it is not installed, please go to the marketplace, and install the GLPI Inventory plugin
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Declaration of a data to be queried#


In the following example, we are going to check that the user has the thunderbird icon on his desktop (which in this case is a portable application).

Go to the administration > GLPI Inventory > tasks > computer information

Then create a new item ajouter :

The next window will allow you to enter the following information:

  • A name
  • A comment
  • A type
    • Registry
    • WMI
    • Search for a file
  • Active or not
  • Visible in a sub-entity or not

Once you've clicked on Add, a Collect configuration tab appears in the left-hand menu, allowing you to configure data collection for one of the following three options, depending on the chosen type:

  • WMI Windows
  • File search
  • Windows registry

Creating the task#

Go to administration > GLPI Inventory > tasks > task management

Then create a new task with ajouter :

Create the task :

Then in Job configuration, add a job:

And configure the collect job in this task:

Once the job has been activated, prepared and taken over by the agent, you can see the result of the job execution here:

In the computer file, a new tab Collection information appears with the value found for the file: