How do I use Holiday
A procedure is available to help you install and configure the plugin.
What is the functionality of Holiday
This plugin allows you to add public holidays from different countries so that they are visible in the calendar and thus manage employee schedules.
How do I add public holidays to calendars?#
You can add them manually or use the [Holiday] plugin({:target="_blank" } to add public holidays to your calendar.
Is it possible to add public holidays from several countries?#
It is possible to accumulate holidays from several countries either per entity or on the same entity.
Which countries are covered?#
See the list of country
- Argentina
- Australia
- Australia/AustralianCapitalTerritory
- Australia/NewSouthWales
- Australia/NorthernTerritory
- Australia/QueenIsland/Brisbane
- Australia/Queensland
- Australia/SouthAustralia
- Australia/Tasmania
- Australia/Tasmania/Centralnorth
- Australia/Tasmania/FlindersIsland
- Australia/Tasmania/KingIsland
- Australia/Tasmania/Northeast
- Australia/Tasmania/Northwest
- Australia/Tasmania/Northwest/CircularHead
- Australia/Tasmania/South
- Australia/Tasmania/South/Southeast
- Australia/Victoria
- Australia/WesternAustralia
- Austria
- Austria/Burgenland
- Austria/Carinthia
- Austria/LowerAutria
- Austria/Salzburg
- Austria/Styria
- Austria/Tryol
- Austria/UpperAustria
- Austria/Vienna
- Austria/Voralberg
- Belgium
- Bosnia
- Brazil
- Canada
- Canada/Alberta
- Canada/BritishColumbia
- Canada/Manitoba
- Canada/NewBrunswick
- Canada/NewfoundlandAndLabrator
- Canada/NorthwestTerritories
- Canada/NovaScotia
- Canada/Nunavut
- Canada/Ontario
- Canada/PrinceEdwardIsland
- Canada/Québec
- Canada/Saskatchewan
- Canada/Yukon
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- France/BasRhin
- France/Moselle
- FranceHautRhin
- Georgia
- Germany
- Germany/BadenWurttenmberg
- Germany/Bavaria
- Germany/Berlin
- Germany/Brandenburg
- Germany/Bremen
- Germany/Hambourg
- Germany/Hesse
- Germany/LowerSaxony
- Germany/MecklenburgWesternPomrania
- Germany/NorthRhineWestphalia
- Germany/RhinelandPalatinate
- Germany/Saarland
- Germany/Saxony
- Germany/SaxonyAnhalt
- Germany/SchleswigHolstein
- Germany/Thuringia
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Japan
- Latvia
- Lithuani
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Slovakia
- South Africa
- SouthKorea
- Spain
- Spain/Andalusia
- Spain/Aragon
- Spain/Asturias
- Spain/BalearicIsland
- Spain/BasqueCountry
- Spain/Canaryislands
- Spain/Cantabria
- Spain/CastileAndLeon
- Spain/CastillaLaMancha
- Spain/Catalonia
- Spain/Ceuta
- Spain/CommunityofMadrid
- Spain/Extremadura
- Spain/Galicia
- Spain/LaRioja
- Spain/Melilla
- Spain/Navarre
- Spain/RegionofMurcia
- Spain/ValencianCommunity
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Switzerland/Aargun
- Switzerland/AppenzellAusserrhoden
- Switzerland/Appenzelllnnerrhoden
- Switzerland/BaselStadt
- Switzerland/Bern
- Switzerland/Fribourg
- Switzerland/Geneva
- Switzerland/Glarus
- Switzerland/Grisons
- Switzerland/Jura
- Switzerland/Lucerne
- Switzerland/Neuchatel
- Switzerland/Nidwalden
- Switzerland/Obwalden
- Switzerland/Schaffhausen
- Switzerland/Schwyz
- Switzerland/Solothurn
- Switzerland/StGallen
- Switzerland/Thurgau
- Switzerland/Ticino
- Switzerland/Uri
- Switzerland/Valais
- Switzerland/Vaud
- Switzerland/Zug
- Switzerland/Zurich
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom/England
- United Kingdom/NorthernIreland
- United Kingdom/Scotland
- United Kingdom/Wales
Why have the holidays I had set up disappeared?#
When you add new holiday days, if the box clean all previous holidays
is ticked, then all the days present
close periods
will be deleted.